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FMARS 2007
Crew Bios

Simon Auclair

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Simon Auclair was born in Quebec City, Canada. He graduated in Geology at Université Laval in 2004. He has been a field geologist ever since. He has worked many times in Arctic-like conditions in Northern Quebec and also in the heat of the Central Australian Desert. Currently undergoing a Master of Space Studies at the International Space University, FMARS 2007 will be his final internship, the one he hoped for! His interests in science are broad, ranging from planetary resource utilization to the evolution of the solar system and astrobiology. On Devon Island, Simon aims at conducting relevant geology fieldwork in collaboration with the Mission Commander. He believes this will help understanding how geologists could maintain valuable work on Mars and why their role is so crucial. He also wishes to participate in biological research in order to support his colleagues, as he knows that a good the team spirit will make the crew performing better.

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